The world's most efficient electric motors and fans
Elsymco's motors and fans have lower energy consumption than the competition, are much quieter and completely environmentally friendly.
Energy consumption in the Czech Republic corresponds to the production of more than 500,000 tons of CO2 per year.
Elsymco fans reduce energy consumption while making life more comfortable.
Provide sufficient heating capacity at lower heating water temperature. Heating water to a lower temperature significantly increases the efficiency of the boiler, heat pump and heat exchanger.
High quality, long life and environmental protection
Let's get involved in protecting the environment, save money and make life more comfortable.
Our fans will increase heating efficiency by up to 20%.
The fans are 100% repairable and recyclable.
Our products
Our air purifiers, heating elements and ventilation units are unique to Elsymco due to Elsymco's patented technology and premium materials.